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Leading and Managing the Challenges for Schools

How to Maximise Use of the Professional Standards

Two Important Workshops for Leaders and Teachers

This is the challenge. Developing your school as a functional learning organisation and ensuring successful implementation of the new curriculum will require high quality teaching supported by excellent leadership.

These two workshops will explore realistic ways in which schools can use the Professional Standards for Leadership, Teaching and Assisting Teaching to evaluate practices, identify strengths and secure developments.

The workshops will be practical, with delegates making use of our XLence Frameworks (provided free with the workshop) developed with schools to see how leaders and teachers can review their practice against the relevant Professional Standards. There will also be opportunity to purchase our newly produced framework for Teaching Assistants.

Delegates will also be able to sample and evaluate online tools designed to capture reviews and aid in their analysis.

The Workshops

Workshop 1 (Morning | 9.30 – 12.15)

Using the Standards to Review Practice

This workshop will cover:

  • reviewing practice against the standards;
  • identifying strengths and areas for development;
  • using outcomes to identify and meet professional learning needs;
  • using a range of evidence in the review process;
  • how to effectively record and analyse outcomes.

Delegates will receive free copies of the XLence Review Frameworks for Teaching and Leadership as part of the workshop cost (normally £125) and will get to trial our online 360 Review tool (seen above) during the session.

Workshop 2 (Afternoon | 1.00 – 3.30)

Using the Standards to Monitor Practice

This workshop will cover:

  • using a wide range of evidence in evaluating practice;
  • building effective and sustainable monitoring processes;
  • ensuring monitoring leads to development;
  • ensuring leaders know how to scaffold and support quality professional dialogue;
  • how monitoring supports review.

Delegates will receive free copies of the XLence Monitoring Frameworks for Teaching and Leadership as part of the workshop cost (normally £125) and will get to trial our online Teaching and Learning Development tool (seen above) during the session.

When and Where

April 2020 – exact dates and places TBC.

Please use the form below to register your interest.


The cost of the workshop is £95 per delegate per session or £170 for attendance at both. Lunch will be provided for those attending both.

This workshop will qualify under the Professional Learning Grant.

Feedback So Far

“Very interesting day and has made the Professional Standards much more clear. Thank you.”

“Being able to ask questions and talk about context was really helpful.”

Book Your Place

    Would you like to attend just one of the workshops or both?

    Would you like the workshop materials in English or Welsh?

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    I consent to For Schools Education Services storing my data and to receiving promotional updates from For Schools Educational Services.

    I understand that once dates and locations of the workshop(s) have been confirmed and agreed with the school, cancellations made within 10 working days of the workshop will not be refunded.

    Brought to you by For Schools Education Services.

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