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Click the image above to see an example of the Standards Review Framework being used in our 360 Review Tool.


The cost of the framework is £25 (+VAT) and it comes in two parts – one for teaching and another for leadership.

To order your copy, please contact our support team.

The XLence Standards Review Framework (SRF) is a two part booklet that has been written to support teachers and leaders to evaluate their practice against the new Professional Standards and to inform their professional learning. Together with the XLence 360 Review Module it provides the ideal approach to tracking development over time and for populating individuals Professional Learning Passports (PLP).

The XLence Standards Review Framework (SRF) has been developed with current practitioners and so is informed by the latest teaching and CPD practices in school. Extensive research and collaboration has been undertaken with schools, local authorities, regional consortia, HEIs and Welsh Government before the approach and content of the SRF was finalised. It is the most up to date tool available to help drive the use of the new Professional Standards.

Why Did We Create It?

To help teachers and leaders appraise and evaluate their teaching and leadership practices against all elements of the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership in Wales. The approach encourages teachers and leaders to engage with their peers and line managers to triangulate their views and create a robust evaluation of the individual’s current level of development against the Standards. The approach is developmental; it encourages individual and collective reflection and supports innovative thinking, whilst all the time remaining focused on improving practice and its impact on learning in a sustainable way.

This process should be evidenced (perhaps using the XLence Professional Learning Tool) and used to maintain an individual’s PLP. In this way individuals can identify their development needs, act on them and track them over time.

The XLence Standards Review Framework is developmental not judgemental and aimed at sustainable improvement. It expands on the Professional Standards and aims to:

  • bridge the gap between the milestones of induction and highly effective practice;
  • provide ‘prompts’ for thought and ‘behaviours to consider’ for discussion in any professional dialogue aimed at developing practice
  • ensure a clear and consistent approach and pathway for professional learning.

The framework is a tool and process which will help to gain a view about the overall quality of a teacher’s or leader’s practice over time and across every element of the Standards. It is not a checklist and does not assume a linear progression through a series of statements.

How Was It Developed?

Through a mix of consultation, input and in-school testing. Headteachers and senior staff from schools who we have worked with for a number of years gave input to the process. The design was also as a result of significant consultation and collaboration with local authorities, regional consortia, HEIs and Welsh Government.

How Is It Structured?

The framework is split into two sections, one for Teaching and the other for Leadership. It is structured around the areas of the Standards and embraces all the elements contained within them. It covers both pedagogy and professional practices, thus giving focus to the wider development of teachers and leaders.


The framework supports:

  • Self-evaluation by reflective individual practitioners against each element of the Professional Standards for Teaching or Leadership, with the opportunity for them to be a continuous learner developing their professional knowledge and skills.
  • Peer or leader evaluation by encouraging dialogue and evaluation using a common set of prompts. The framework provides a structure for confirmation of an individual’s strengths and areas for professional learning.
  • The setting by having a consistent recording and analysis process and agreed criteria for the whole school learning community against which dialogue takes place and any evaluative judgements are made. It secures entitlement and provides clear professional learning pathways based on secure information and evidence, supporting Schools as Learning Organisations.
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