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The cost of the framework (digital only) is £25 (+VAT).

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The new Standards for Assisting Teaching have been produced by Welsh Government to “underpin the development of the significant part of the workforce that assists teaching…”.

They are framed in exactly the same way as the Standards for Teaching and Leadership, using the same headings.

We have produced the XLence Standards Review Framework for Assisting Teaching to support TAs in evaluating their practice against the new Professional Standards and to inform their professional learning.

Using the same XLence Professional Learning Tool as teachers and leaders, it provides the ideal approach to recognising strengths, identifying professional learning needs and tracking development over time. It can be used with TAs and HLTAs.

As with our other frameworks, we have consulted with practitioners on its development and design, taking their comments into account in the final version.

Why Did We Create It?

The rationale is the same as for our other frameworks:

  • To help Teaching Assistants self-evaluate
  • To encourage dialogue between TAs and their peers and managers
  • To be developmental
  • To impact on learning in a sustainable way
  • To support the setting’s development as a Learning Organisation

How Is It Structured?

It is structured around the areas of the Standards and embraces all the elements contained within them. It covers both pedagogy and professional practices, thus giving focus to the wider development of teaching assistants. It contains prompts which help to outline what progression from Effective Practice to Highly Effective Practice might look like.

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